Module pico8lib.tables

Table manipulation and creation


all_reverse (t) Iterate an array in reverse used just like all()
reverse (a) Reverse the items in an array, in place

One Table or Key/Value

get (t, k[, d]) Get value from table by key, with default
add_ (a, v) Add value to end of array supposedly faster but less safe than add(a,v)
del_r (a, v) Delete value from array, do not preserve order
deli_r (a, i) Delete index from array, do not preserve order
shift (a) Delete and return the first item from array
unshift (a, v) Add value to the beginning of array
rand_array (a) Select a random value from an array

Multiple Tables or New Table

merge (d, s) Copy keys, values, and metatable from one table to another, using copy()
copy (o) Create a copy of a variable, a deep copy if it's a table, using merge()
copy_merge (o[, t]) Create a copy of a variable, a deep copy if it's a table, optionally merging another table over the copy
table_copy (o) Create a deep copy of a table
table_compare (a, b) Recursive/deep comparison of two tables
table_compare_meta (a, b) Recursive/deep comparison of two tables and their metatables
concat (d, s) Add values from one array to the end of another

Sorting Functions

shuffle (a) Randomize the order of a table using fisher-yates shuffle
sort_slow (a) Sort an array in place, the slowest way
sort_slow_reverse (a) Sort an array in place, in descending order, the slowest way
sort_slow_func (a, f) Sort an array in place, the slowest way, with a key function
sort_slow_func_unsafe (a, f) Sort an array in place, the slowest way, with a key function
sort_slow_cmp (a, f) Sort an array in place, the slowest way, with a comparison function
sort_quick (a[, i[, j]]) Sort an array in place, modified quicksort quicksort chooses a pivot value, rearranges the table into {vals<=pivot, pivot, vals>=pivot}, recurses on both sides
sort_quick_func (a, f[, i[, j]]) Sort an array in place, modified quicksort, with a key function
sort_quick_cmp (a, f[, i[, j]]) Sort an array in place, modified quicksort, with a comparison function
sort Default sort function


filter (t, check) Filter a table, keeping only key,value pairs that pass a check function return a new table with the same keys/indices kept from the original
filter_array (t, check) Filter an array, keeping only values that pass check function return a new array with sequential indices


pred_any (t) Determine if any value in a table is truthy
pred_any_func (t, check) Determine if any value in a table passes check function
pred_all (t) Determine if every value in a table is truthy
pred_all_func (t, check) Determine if every value in a table is truthy or passes check function


all_reverse (t)
Iterate an array in reverse used just like all()


  • t
reverse (a)
Reverse the items in an array, in place


  • a array

One Table or Key/Value

get (t, k[, d])
Get value from table by key, with default


  • t table The table to reference
  • k The key to access
  • d A default value to return if the key is not present in the table (optional)


    Either the associated value or the default
add_ (a, v)
Add value to end of array supposedly faster but less safe than add(a,v)


  • a array
  • v value to add
del_r (a, v)
Delete value from array, do not preserve order


  • a array
  • v value to delete
deli_r (a, i)
Delete index from array, do not preserve order


  • a array
  • i integer index
shift (a)
Delete and return the first item from array


  • a array


    value of a[1] prior to deletion
unshift (a, v)
Add value to the beginning of array


  • a array
  • v value to add
rand_array (a)
Select a random value from an array


  • a array array to choose from


    randomly chosen item from array

Multiple Tables or New Table

merge (d, s)
Copy keys, values, and metatable from one table to another, using copy()



    table d
copy (o)
Create a copy of a variable, a deep copy if it's a table, using merge()


  • o variable to copy


    copy of o
copy_merge (o[, t])
Create a copy of a variable, a deep copy if it's a table, optionally merging another table over the copy


  • o variable to copy
  • t table table to merge over the copy (optional)


    copy of o, optionally merged with t
table_copy (o)
Create a deep copy of a table



    table copy of o
table_compare (a, b)
Recursive/deep comparison of two tables



    boolean true iff tables have equal contents
table_compare_meta (a, b)
Recursive/deep comparison of two tables and their metatables



    boolean true iff tables have equal contents and metatable contents
concat (d, s)
Add values from one array to the end of another


  • d array destination
  • s array source

Sorting Functions

shuffle (a)
Randomize the order of a table using fisher-yates shuffle


  • a array array to shuffle in place
sort_slow (a)
Sort an array in place, the slowest way


  • a array array to sort in place
sort_slow_reverse (a)
Sort an array in place, in descending order, the slowest way


  • a array array to sort in place
sort_slow_func (a, f)
Sort an array in place, the slowest way, with a key function


  • a array array to sort in place
  • f function function to extract or calculate a comparison key for each value, run once per value
sort_slow_func_unsafe (a, f)
Sort an array in place, the slowest way, with a key function


  • a array array to sort in place
  • f function function to extract or calculate a comparison key for each valuem run multiple times per value
sort_slow_cmp (a, f)
Sort an array in place, the slowest way, with a comparison function


  • a array array to sort in place
  • f function function to compare two values
sort_quick (a[, i[, j]])
Sort an array in place, modified quicksort quicksort chooses a pivot value, rearranges the table into {vals<=pivot, pivot, vals>=pivot}, recurses on both sides


  • a array the table to sort
  • i number starting index of slice to sort (optional)
  • j number ending index of slice to sort (optional)
sort_quick_func (a, f[, i[, j]])
Sort an array in place, modified quicksort, with a key function


  • a array the table to sort
  • f function function to extract or calculate a comparison key for each value
  • i number starting index of slice to sort (optional)
  • j number ending index of slice to sort (optional)
sort_quick_cmp (a, f[, i[, j]])
Sort an array in place, modified quicksort, with a comparison function


  • a array the table to sort
  • f function function to compare two values
  • i number starting index of slice to sort (optional)
  • j number ending index of slice to sort (optional)
Default sort function


filter (t, check)
Filter a table, keeping only key,value pairs that pass a check function return a new table with the same keys/indices kept from the original


  • t
  • check
filter_array (t, check)
Filter an array, keeping only values that pass check function return a new array with sequential indices


  • t
  • check


pred_any (t)
Determine if any value in a table is truthy


  • t
pred_any_func (t, check)
Determine if any value in a table passes check function


  • t
  • check
pred_all (t)
Determine if every value in a table is truthy


  • t
pred_all_func (t, check)
Determine if every value in a table is truthy or passes check function


  • t
  • check
generated by LDoc 1.5.0 Last updated 2024-09-08 14:28:56